To fully use this web site, you need to register. Once registered, you will have a unique username and password that you can then use to log in to the site.
Here's how the registration process works:
- Click the Register link in the Login section on the left side of the screen.
- The registration form will appear. Fill in all the required boxes (marked with a yellow exclamation mark) and, depending on your personal preferences, as many of the other boxes as possible.
- Make sure to use a sensible password (six characters or more, including upper and lower case and numbers) and to enter it in both password boxes.
- We have implemented spam-prevention measures to prevent automated spambots from registering on the site and filling it up with garbage. This adds a couple of steps to the registration process, which is unfortunate, but necessary. At the bottom of the Registration form, you will find a simple math question; solve the question and enter the answer in the 'Spam Check' box. Below that is a 'CAPTCHA' box; enter the words displayed in the box provided. If you are unable to read the words, click the small 'recycle' image to get a new pair of words.
- When you're done, click the Register button. You should see a Registration Complete message.
- Check your email inbox. You should receive email from the automated registration system within a few hours.
- The email you receive will ask you to click a link; go ahead and do it. This will confirm your email address as valid.
- An automated message will be sent to the site administrators. Once they receive this message, one of them will check your registration details and approve your registration.
- When your registration is approved, you should receive an email message indicating that your registration has been finalized.
- You should now be able to log in to the site, using your chosen username and password, by entering them in the Login box on the left side of the screen.